Tips on Choosing your new Accountant

Choosing your accountant is a big deal. They are the people that will save YOU money. A good Accountant should be able to save you more than their fee, as well as giving you the peace of mind that your accounts and finances are in good hands.

So, how do you choose an Accountant that will be right for you?

We have put together a few handy pointers to help you on your way to choosing your Accountant, which we hope you find really useful.

Are they Chartered / Qualified?

This seems like an obvious question, BUT, believe it or not you do not need to hold an accounting qualification to trade as an ‘Accountant.’ Chartered Accountants have spent a long time getting the qualifications and their knowledge will most likely be far greater than someone who is not. A Chartered Accountant is also held accountable by their regulatory bodies, will hold professional indemnity insurance and most likely up to date on taxation matters. Would you trust a non qualified Doctor?

Are they interested in your business?

A Chartered Accountant will play a huge role in your business and financial matters. They will be dealing with various aspects of your business and every business is different. That’s why it’s so important that your Accountant listens and talks to you. To get a feel for what you do and how things run. This can be the difference between an average set of accounts and an amazing one, which will save you the most money possible.

Do you feel comfortable talking to them?

The days of ‘stuffy’ accountancy days are over. Or at least they should be. Everyone deserves a personal service, regardless of turnover. You should be able to ask things that you are unsure of, without the feeling of being judged. Your finances are personal, and if you don’t feel comfortable talking to your Accountant then sharing personal things will be hard. Your Accountant should be someone that works with you so if your personalities are not a good mix, then perhaps select another.

What Services do they offer – and what is included in the price?

We’ve all seen offers that seem too good to be true. Invariably they are. Exactly the same with accountancy. Some companies will offer an amazing price, but you have to pay for every add on service, including book keeping and phone calls. Some ‘all in’ prices include limited book keeping but nothing is really done to save you money. There should be no ‘one price fits all.’ People require different services, such as payroll, accounts, bookkeeping, employment contracts and more, so it is important when you speak with your prospective accountant that this is covered.

Have you even spoken with your potential new Accountant?

This one is really important. As a prospective client, the Accountant should see this as they are the interviewee and you the interviewer. This is their chance to gain your trust and respect. Likewise, this is a chance for you all to decide if you are a good fit and will work well together. Do they make you feel confident and assured you will be in the best hands? Do you feel comfortable talking to them about finances? Do they explain everything in a ‘non – jargon’ way without baffling? These are some of the questions you need to be happy with before selecting them.

Whoever you choose, so long as you are happy with the points above, and have done some research – Google and social media sites generally give a good sense of people’s feelings towards companies – then you can be sure that you have made the right decision.